Processes, Activities and Artifacts

In this post, I present a list of activities and processes of PRINCE2, Scrum and FDD methodologies, ordered as a sequence of implementation suggested.

In some activities, there are artifacts that are created as a result of the event, and that are referenced below.

Framework Process Activity Artifact
PRINCE2 Starting Up a Project Appoint the Executive & the Project Manager A7
PRINCE2 Starting Up a Project Capture previous lessons A14
PRINCE2 Starting Up a Project Design & appoint the Project Management Team
PRINCE2 Starting Up a Project Prepare the outline Business Case A2, A21
PRINCE2 Starting Up a Project Select the project approach and assemble the Project Brief
PRINCE2 Starting Up a Project Plan the initiation stage A16
PRINCE2 Directing a Project Authorize Initiation
PRINCE2 Directing a Project Authorize the project
PRINCE2 Directing a Project Authorize a stage or exception plan
PRINCE2 Directing a Project Give ad hoc direction
PRINCE2 Directing a Project Authorize project closure
PRINCE2 Initiating a Project Prepare the risk management strategy A12, A24, A25
PRINCE2 Initiating a Project Prepare the configuration management strategy A5, A6
PRINCE2 Initiating a Project Prepare the quality management strategy A22, A23
PRINCE2 Initiating a Project Prepare the communication management strategy A4
PRINCE2 Initiating a Project Setup the project controls
PRINCE2 Initiating a Project Create the Project plan A16, A17, A5
PRINCE2 Initiating a Project Refine the business case A1, A2
PRINCE2 Initiating a Project Assemble the project initiation documentation
PRINCE2 Managing a Stage Boundary Plan the next stage A16, A5
PRINCE2 Managing a Stage Boundary Update the Project Plan
PRINCE2 Managing a Stage Boundary Update the Business Case
PRINCE2 Managing a Stage Boundary Report stage end A9, A15
PRINCE2 Managing a Stage Boundary Produce an Exception Plan A16, A5
FDD Develop overall model Form Modeling Team
FDD Develop overall model Conduct Domain Walk-through F1
FDD Develop overall model Study Documents
FDD Develop overall model Develop the Model F2, F3, F4
FDD Develop overall model Refine the Overall Object Model
FDD Develop overall model Internal and External Assessment
FDD Build feature list Form the Features List Team
FDD Build feature list Build Features List S1
FDD Build feature list Internal and External Assessment
FDD Plan by feature Form the Planning Team
FDD Plan by feature
Determine the Development
FDD Plan by feature
Assign Business Activities to Chief
FDD Plan by feature Assign Classes to Developers
FDD Plan by feature Self Assessment
PRINCE2 Controlling a Stage Authorize Work packages A26, A5
PRINCE2 Controlling a Stage Review Work Package status
PRINCE2 Controlling a Stage Receive completed Work Packages
PRINCE2 Controlling a Stage Review the stage status
PRINCE2 Controlling a Stage Report highlights A11
PRINCE2 Controlling a Stage Capture and examine issues and risks A13
PRINCE2 Controlling a Stage Escalate issues and risks A10
PRINCE2 Controlling a Stage Take corrective action
PRINCE2 Managing Product Delivery Accept a Work Package A16
PRNCE2 Managing Product Delivery Execute a Work Package A3
Sprint Planning
SCRUM Daily Scrum
FDD Design by feature Form Feature Team
FDD Design by feature Domain Walk-through
FDD Design by feature Study the Referenced Documents
FDD Design by feature Develop the Sequence Diagram(s)
FDD Design by feature Refine the Object Model
FDD Design by feature Write Class and Method Prologues
FDD Design by feature Design Inspection
FDD Build by feature Implement Classes and Methods
FDD Build by feature Code Inspection
FDD Build by feature Unit Test
FDD Build by feature Promote to the Build
FDD Build by feature Code Inspection and Unit Test
SCRUM Sprint Review
SCRUM Sprint Retrospective
PRINCE2 Managing Product Delivery Deliver a Work Package S3
PRINCE2 Closing a Project Prepare planned closure A18
PRINCE2 Closing a Project Prepare premature closure A18
PRINCE2 Closing a Project Hand over products
PRINCE2 Closing a Project Evaluate the project A8, A15
PRINCE2 Closing a Project Recommend project closure
Framework Code Name
PRINCE2 A1 Benefits Review Plan
PRINCE2 A2 Business Case
PRINCE2 A3 Checkpoint Report
PRINCE2 A4 Communication Management Strategy
PRINCE2 A5 Configuration Item Records
PRINCE2 A6 Configuration Management Strategy
PRINCE2 A7 Daily Log
PRINCE2 A8 End Project Report
PRINCE2 A9 End Stage Report
PRINCE2 A10 Exception Report
PRINCE2 A11 Highlight Report
PRINCE2 A12 Issue Register
PRINCE2 A13 Issue Report
PRINCE2 A14 Lessons Log
PRINCE2 A15 Lessons Report
PRINCE2 A16 Plan (covers Project, Stage and, optionally,
Team Plans)
PRINCE2 A17 Product Description
PRINCE2 A18 Product Status Account
PRINCE2 A19 Project Brief
PRINCE2 A20 Project Initiation Documentation
PRINCE2 A21 Project Product Description
PRINCE2 A22 Quality Management Strategy
PRINCE2 A23 Quality Register
PRINCE2 A24 Risk Management Strategy
PRINCE2 A25 Risk Register
PRINCE2 A26 Work Package
SCRUM S1 Product Backlog
SCRUM S2 Sprint Backlog
SCRUM S3 Increment
FDD F1 Use Case Diagram
FDD F2 Class Diagram
FDD F3 Sequence Diagram
FDD F4 Entity Relationship Diagram